The Family Today

     On the English class room the teacher and her students analyze the composition of The Family Today. The analysis compares the past generations of families versus the families in the present time. The family today it’s so different in all of aspect than the family about past twenty years. In the traditional family, the father work outside the home and the mother takes care of his children’s and the home. On today families both parents work outside the home.  The economic needs and other factors in to the family are the reasons to take this decision. 

Alternative Lifestyle

     In the past week we learn the lifestyles alternatives. On the modern society occurs different lifestyle alternatives and this are common in U.S. Many couple chose live together without marrying and this type of cohabitation occurs in all sectors of U.S. these days there is very little social disapproval of living together. Others lifestyle alternative like staying single and the communal living also are common in this society. This decision are private and involve the others persons who composite the family. 

The world of Advertising, Advertising All over the World

     In the last weeks we discussed in the classroom the World of Advertising.  Around the world can exist different advertising campaigns. The goal of these publicities is to be able to sell or to promote its product. The author in the text mentions “in the world of advertising, selling products is the most important goal”. The laws in each country are different. Is necessary writing new ads to avoid the translations problems.  In each country the companies must adapt to the culture to generate sales.

Joel Chat

      The Conference provided by Joel explained that existing needs must be determined to sell a product. Most companies are attacking the different needs of consumers.  These prepared products or provide compelling services for customers. Explains the benefits potential customer and are handled objections trying to convince it to purchase the product.  The product must be tested by the seller to recommend it to a prospective customer.  This helps the seller to know what is being sold.

The Importance Of The Social Environment 

     The author mention in the text “the social environment is important in determining what an individual achieves”. From our parents we inherit intelligence, abilities, attitudes, thoughts, and skills. In the first live steps we learn conducts than they we guide all life. In the human those conducts help to improve growing, and to improve the cohabitation in the social environment. In the read text the author tell “case studies of children who have not been cared for, and of children who have been stimulated to achieve at a high level, are evidence of the importance of social or environment learning”. Exist some cases can be do demonstrated those words. These cases can demonstrate if the lack of normal socialization can destroy mind versus the specialized socialization can created geniuses.

 Aymette Medina Chat

     On the Aymette Medina chat we learn how and why influence phenomenon is present in our lives. The society is a group of persons sharing culture and traditions. The preferences in the art, the fashion, the food, the politic, and the religion is influenced and formed by the society. The influences around the human cause that this it accepts and in agreement his preferences to those of the society that surrounds to him.

Ruben Rivera Chat

     On the Ruben Rivera chat we learn about the different extreme sports in particular the skateboarding. Now this is one of the most popular extreme sports. This is a masculine and feminine sport. Discipline is necessary to practice this sport. This is dangerous sport for the bones and muscles health. Rivera mentions the importance of physical health in this sport. 

Xtremes Sports

     In the last weeks we learned as it is the importance of maintaining a good health to be able to practice some sport. Different sports exist, some from these are known as sports extreme. These sports are practiced by many people and generate money but also they are risky for the life and the health. In order to practice these extreme sports it is necessary also to maintain a strict discipline as far as the practices. Some extreme sportsmen as Tony Hawk have had to practice for more than 13 years to be able to make the tricks that to him have done famous and recognized in their sports.

Eating Disorder

     In certain sports the people who practice them could develop nutritional disorders like anorexia nervosa. This nutritional disorder can generate serious health problems and in some cases can cause death. The group pressure can develop in athlete a serious disorder of feeding. Not only the group pressure is the cause of these problems; the family, the trainers and the same sport requirements can exert pressure to decisions take athlete. In some cases, the person who develops this type of nutritional disorder doesn’t want to increase the weight.

 Ada Vega Chat

     On the Ada Vega chat we learn the importance to know the peer group pressure. All people have the necessity to be maintaining group. The peer group pressure exists in all human steps. To the younger, this is a hard stressed step. The teenager peer group pressure can be torn dramatic by the young necessity to be accepted in a referential group. For curiously or for the acceptance by others the teenager yield to peer group pressure. Some group pressure is: fashion, tattoos, religion, idols, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, fraternities, sororities, and others.

Peer Group Pressure

     Peer group is a group whose members are about the same age and have similar interest. The adolescent peer group teaches its members several important things. Teach them to be independent for adult authorities. It teaches social skills. The peer group teaches teaches each member the values of friendship among equal. Peer group often develop distinctive subculture with their own values, language, music, dress and heroes. The adolescent tend to believe in the same things as their friends, talk the same way, dress the same way, listen to the same music and like and dislike the same TV star and other celebrities.

     Adolescent peer group differ from parents and teachers in that they value. Peer group are likely to think that popularity, social leadership and athletic achievement are more important. They are inclined to seek advice from parents on financial, educational, career and other serious matter. With their peer they are more likely to discuss social activities such as which boy or girl to date and what clubs to join. Peer group members look to each other for approval instead of relying on their own personal belief. As a young people grow into middle and late adolescence, their involvement whit peer gradually declines because of their growing independence.


     The crowds are a mass of the people who meet to celebrate diverse activities. The collective behavior happens when the people imitate the actions of the people who surround to him. He is unforeseeable and it works outside the social norms. The institutional behaviors settle down permanently. This happens of an organized affluent way, something trustworthy. The institutional behavior is frequent and regular.  The trustworthy patrons are controlled by social norms and are essential for the social order. We could not survive without them.

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